Worship and Music
“Liturgy” (another word for our worship) means “the work of the people.” When we come together in worship, we are fulfilling our first purpose and gaining both the insight and the strength needed for whatever else is ours to do. Toward this end, we encourage all worshippers to fully participate in the worship experience. This can begin even before the service starts through personal prayers. One suggested prayer before worship appears on page 833 of the red Book of Common Prayer available in the pews. We also encourage active participation in worship leadership in many ways.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the worship space. Service with this group is an excellent way to become more familiar with worship traditions. The director is Linda Rush, reachable at (951) 652-7020. Click here to learn more.
Acolytes can be any age over 8, but frequently they are young people in the congregation. The acolytes are the primary assistants to the priest in leading worship. They light the candles before service, carry the torches and cross during the procession and recession, assist at the reading of the Gospel and help to prepare the altar for communion.
The adult choir rehearses Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and is always eager to receive new members. You may contact Music Director Jean Will at (951) 658-9953. A chime choir also often participates in worship, and other instrumentalists are encouraged to contact Jean Will as well. Click here to learn more.
Eucharistic Ministers & Intercessors
Special training is required to assist the priest in serving communion, and that training is available at least twice a year, more frequently as needed. Judi Greer coordinates those who serve as Eucharistic Ministers, and Intercessors (leading the Prayers of the People). She can be reached at (951) 357-7570.
Lectors, or readers, share their gift for presenting God’s Word at each service as they read the Bible lessons for that day, helping the congregation hear God’s Word rather than only reading it silently. Judi Greer schedules the lectors for the 10:30 a.m. service and Richard Taylor schedules those who serve at the the 8 a.m. service. Contact Judi at (951) 357-7570 or Richard at (951) 415-7907) if you would like to join those who serve in this way. Lector training is offered periodically.
Ushers play a crucial role at both services each Sunday. Gail Redmond (8 a.m. service) and P.J. Rupert (10:30 a.m. service) maintain the schedule for the services, and you may contact them through the church office. Ushers provide service programs and basic information about the worship and the church. They can help parishioners with name tags, now available in the Narthex, as well as welcome new and returning parishioners alike.
Worship Leaders
Worship leaders are trained and licensed to lead worship services that do not include the administration of the sacraments. These include the Daily Offices such as Morning Prayer, and the Burial Office without Communion. This important leadership position requires a genuine love for the church and its traditions, willingness to study, clarity of expression and attention to pastoral needs. For more information, contact Ed Moore at (619) 917-3677.