Hymn # 454: Jesus Came, Adored by Angels
Opening Acclamation, BCP page 78
Confession, BCP page 79
Invitatory and Psalter, BCP page 80
Venite, BCP page 82
Psalm 67, BCP page 675
The Lessons
Canticle 21: You are God, BCP page 95
Canticle 13: A Song of Praise BCP page 90
Gospel: Matthew 15:21-28
Rev. Susan's Homily
The Creed and Prayers
Apostles' Creed, BCP page 96
The Prayers, BCP page 97
Suffrage A
The Collects
Hymn # 460: Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
Intercessions and Thanksgivings (after the reading of the parish prayer list, all will be unmuted to add their own prayers)
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings and Special Prayers
The General Thanksgiving, BCP page 101
A Prayer of St. Chrysostom, BCP page 102