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Writer's pictureGood Shepherd

Pledge card ingathering on November 3

Good Shepherd will have its pledge card ingathering at both services on Sunday, November 3. Your participation is important as we plan our budget for 2020.

The Stewardship Committee sent the following letter to Good Shepherd members:

The worship family at Good Shepherd has always been active and involved in the broader Hemet community. You have made that possible by your ongoing devotion of time, talent and treasure. In particular, I thank you for making a financial pledge in support of Good Shepherd's ministries.

Our sense of family and community has been recently re-energized with the arrival of Rev. Susan Latimer as our new priest. Thus, the campaign theme selected for this year's stewardship and pledge drive is: "New Beginnings: Honoring Our Past, Embracing our Future". Whether you are involved in church activities that are familiar, or have participated in any of the new initiatives that Rev. Susan, the Vestry and our worship teams have implemented, I hope that you will agree that these are exciting times to be a member of Good Shepherd-Hemet.

I am writing to solicit your continued support. As you may be aware, with our current resources we cannot afford an Administrative Assistant. Volunteers perform this function, and only for three of the five work days of the week. Similarly, our Rector is not full-time. The challenge before us this year, now that we have a Rector, is to build on existing ministries (such as music, Christian education, food pantry support, visitation to the sick and infirm, weekly worship services), rejuvenate dormant programs (Sunday School, youth programs, family group gatherings) and round out our opportunity to meet additional needs and ministries identified by you as important to the life of our church.

There are many other examples where we have needs, but few resources to meet those needs. I ask that you prayerfully consider increasing your pledge. Your pledge enables the Vestry to plan with confidence and deliver the kind of support that will truly make a positive difference in all our lives.

Please return your completed pledge card during the services on November 3rd. Also, after your service, please join us for fellowship in the Parish Hall. The Vestry will provide breakfast. We want to thank you personally for your continued support.

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