Christmas Poinsettias
Thank you to all those that made a donation for the poinsettias. They will add so much beauty to our worship space for our Christmas Eve service.
Ruben & Empy Alagona May the Lord keep you by his side (Victor)
Jeanne Baldwin Merry Christmas
Karen Boerner Merry Christmas
Virginia Brien In memory of my son Russell Van Arsdale and all loved family members. Thankful for my daughter Lori & all my blessings.
Joyce Brightman Thankful for the many blessings in my life.
Linda Brown Remembering family & friends, near & far.
Fr. Terry & Candi Bull In thanksgiving for all our children & grandchildren.
Carolyn Castner In loving memory of loved ones passed and thankful for my many blessings.
Susan Gaites In loving memory of my husbands & son - Edwin S. Gaites, Clifford Brown and Edwin S. Gaites II.
Hope Huffman To all those in the family who have recently passed away – Mike, Mother, Michael & Jimmy.
Alice McDonald In loving memory of my husband, Gary McDonald.
Rinaldo “Tony” & Gloria Madrid In honor of our son, Dedrick A. Egger who we lost 22 years ago. May the peace of the Lord be with all of our family & friends during this Holy Season.
Judy Metzler In loving memory of my husband, Georg Metzler and my mother, Margaret Blumer.
Ed & Debbie Moore In honor of Erica Danielle Moore. In our hearts forever.
Charlene Musgrove To the glory of God & blessings for Good Shepherd.
Sharon Obuchon-Staub "Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God" Matthew 5:9 KJV
Joan Reed Thank our God for my children.
Linda Rush A special thank you for my family.